DG "Detelina" celebrated the Week of Recycling - from March 14 to 18, with various events inspired by the site "Be Active", which issued a challenge to schools and kindergartens to join the initiative.
The children from the four groups of DG "Detelina" collected plastic caps and, with the help of their teachers and medical specialists, made a panel with Bulgarian embroidery. The two panels are temporarily placed at the entrance of the kindergarten so that everyone can enjoy their beauty. They will be made available for sale at the charity market in support of 13-year-old Anatoly from the village of Trudovets, who suffers from a rare genetic disease and needs treatment.One of the activities during the Recycling Week was dedicated to separate collection, which is part of the new educational process of the kindergarten. The children of the second group, named "Mickey Mouse", under the guidance of their teachers, created two eco patrols, which cleaned their classroom and identified the places for the different types of waste.Another interesting manifestation within the Week of Recycling in DG "Detelina" - the village of Vrachesh, was a fashion show of costumes made from recyclable materials. The costumes were made with the help of the parents, and the children took on the role of mannequins. The revue was held in front of an audience that deservedly applauded the creative ideas and artistic performance of the children.
The teachers again reminded their students about the rules of environmental protection, and the jury had the difficult task of evaluating the participants in the review. All received certificates of congratulation, and the most interesting models received medals.