Learning about finance from as early age as 5 years, will enable them to be active citizens in different everyday situations, not only in terms of notions, but also in terms of behaviors that have to do with basic ethical choices and that determine the "small" gestures of buying, saving, debt, deferring spending, welfare and solidarity. The reflection on the use of money must start from deeply divergent instances: the economic crisis, the dematerialization of money, the purchasing capacity of families. It is fundamental, from an early age, to understand the value of money and the mechanisms that guide the economy, in its simplest forms: profit, savings, investment, gift. Money should be understood as an instrument of a wider planning, capable of embracing the different spheres of action of the economy.
Bellow You have all the activities that are to improve the Financial Literacy, each in a separate file!! Feel free to download and use in Your classes. And we will appreciate if You come back and share which was Your most favourite activity. And of course, if You have some activities that help to improve Financial Literacy, please tell us about them below. And lastly, if Financial Literacy is important topic, You can press the "Follow" for this post and You will receive updates on new insights here.
Additional material - Card examples for the "What is the Value" activity.