This skill therefore implies patience, kindness and empathy. Having team working skills means both being able to mediate and meet others, and being able to ask for help. This ability implies being able to share successes and difficulties, learning from mistakes, knowing how to take responsibility without spilling it on others, and knowing how to "blend" into the context. It is crucial to work together with others to know how to communicate and be prepared for improvement and self-correction. Cooperative Learning is a specific teaching methodology through which students learn in small groups, helping each other and feeling co-responsible for each other. Communication is the main tool to understand and engage in a relationship with each other and with the community. The communication process goes beyond the simple act of transferring a message: it implies the ability to "achieve a goal". Communication is also composed of fundamental para-verbal elements, the tone of voice, face, gestures, vocabulary, grammar.
Bellow You have all the activities that are to improve the Teamwork & Communication, each in a separate file!! Feel free to download and use in Your classes. And we will appreciate if You come back and share which was Your most favourite activity. And of course, if You have some activities that help to improve Teamwork & Communication, please tell us about them below. And lastly, if any of Teamwork or Communication is important topic, You can press the "Follow" for this post and You will receive updates on new insights here.