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Forum Posts

Jan 09, 2023
In Networks & Connections
Erasmus+ // Partner search for a project that takes away the illusion from adults that children are too small to realize their visions! Somehow I find the topic of kidpreneurs so exciting that I thought, why not go one step further? If the kids are already strengthening their entrepreneurial thinking at the age of 5, then we should also show kids as soon as possible how they can use digital content creativity tools to realize their visions. If you are interested, write a mail to
Jan 09, 2023
In Our Stories
Erasmus+ // Partner search for a project that takes away the illusion from adults that children are too small to realize their visions! Somehow I find the topic of kidpreneurs so exciting that I thought, why not go one step further? If the kids are already strengthening their entrepreneurial thinking at the age of 5, then we should also show them as soon as possible how they can use digital content creativity tools to realize their visions.


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Project "KIDPRENEURSHIP - development of the Entrepreneurship mind set in our kids", Project Nr 2020-1-LV01-KA201-077505 


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