KIDPRENEURSHIP - development of the Entrepreneurship mind set in our kids, Project Nr. 2020-1-LV01-KA201-077505

Entrepreneurship is an absolute "must-have" skill in now days tech-dominated world. However one of the struggles is that, usually it is started to teach quite late, not in the early age, when mind-set is being formed and schools should produce kids who tinker, make, experiment, collaborate, question, and embrace failure as an opportunity to learn. And schools must be staffed with passionate teachers who are not just prepared to foster creativity, perseverance, and empathy, but are responsible for ensuring kids develop these skills.
Another important aspect, that the project will take into account is training teachers to be a good entrepreneurship teachers.They have a central role, as they have a strong impact on the attainment of kids. Reflective teachers keep their practice under constant review and adjust it in the light of desired learning outcomes and of the individual needs of kids. As a key competence, entrepreneurship does not necessarily involve a specific school subject, it rather requires a way of teaching in which experiential learning and project work have a main role.
Development and implementation of innovative practices of teaching Entrepreneurship for children starting from age of 5 years.
Increase sense of initiative and entrepreneurship among children starting from age of 5 years.
Development of the KIDpreneurship modules for 5-7 and 8-10 year old kids
KIDpreneurship course modules will help kids to develop the entrepreneurial attitudes, skills and knowledge which, in short, should enable a kid to ‘turn ideas into action.
The course will develop main entrepreneurial skill that help them take initiative, e.g. communication, creativity and collaboration.

E-learning module to mentor teachers
Important aspect, that the project has to take into account is training teachers to be a good entrepreneurship teachers.They have a central role, as they have a strong impact on the attainment of kids. The E-learning module will be modern, it will follow a flexible and adaptable study plan and prefer interdisciplinary, project-based learning; using training material rather than "textbook type material"

Teachers and schools will not be able to realise their ambitions without cooperation and partnerships with colleagues, businesses and other stakeholders. Teacher there, meet regularly and exchanging experiences, know-how, teaching material and meet real entrepreneurs that inspire them.