Looking for Partners - Secondary schools, business schools, psychologists and entrepreneurship professionals for a project that will focus on different games and activities that improve Entrepreneurial Mind-Set for Youth and adults. The idea is to collect activities and games that fit from family or friends party evenings to Secondary school or business school entrepreneurship lectures.
If You are interested to join this journey in the world of professions, please leave a comment below with short description of Your experience, so we can get to know about You!!
Hi! We could participate and help with the business school/entrepeneurship part. Please contact me (nina.gaube@academia.si) or my coworker (natalija.zunko@academia.si) to set up a get-to know us meeting. I saw many interesting projects you have pubished here and we could be a good fit.
We are a gymnasium from a middle of Lithuania. Yours idea is very nice. we would like to participate in your project. our students are 7-19 years old. We can join if you ask. write to me please antanida.liksiene@gmail.com.
Helloooo, I am writing this comments behalf of the Strategy Development Department of Küçükçekmece Municipality in Istanbul - Turkey. I work in municipality as a Project Development Expert. Küçükçekmece municipality has wide network with local Ngo's and public authorities as wide with international connections.
As a municipality there is “KUGIM- Kucukcekmece Girişimcilik ve İnovasyon Merkezi( Kucukcekmece Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center )” where people take courses and take opportunuties about entrepreneurship and Innovation related the topic. I wish to move this activivites in to the international areas by Erasmus opportunuties. You can check website to see courses and advantages we provide in local.
There are some structures done by our municipality such as -Women Cooperative -Migration and Refugee Coordination Center, Youth Couincil, Rewards- These are all funded by projects.
You can check our website to get info more - KUGIM ( https://www.kugim.com.tr/ )
Projects that we are implementing about youth people mostly.( Küçükçekmece Youth Center, Youth Develop Center, Child Caravan, Library for Young People, Socio-psycho support, Social Market, Educations for exams in their school etc. )
https://kucukcekmece.istanbul/ (Municipality Official)
I'm an English teacher at Kırıkhan Science and Art Center in Hatay, Türkiye. I have an erasmus experience but my organization is very new (just founded last February) Our organization tries to provide a project-oriented, experiential education to the students in the target group who perform at a higher level than their peers in intelligence, creativity, art, leadership capacities or special academic fields and are determined to be gifted or gifted by the experts in the subject. We have special gifted and talented students from second grade to twelfth grade. We teach English, Science, Music, Art, Math, Robotic Coding, Technology Design with 3D printer, CNC machine. And in March we will have artificial intelligence studio. We will have drones and VR we are a very new organization, we have only 77 students. We would love to be a partner!
We are elektrotehnical high school from Skopje, Macedonia, student age 15-18. I am elektro engineer and I teech IT subjects. We have computer science, elektronics, energetics, 3D, robotics, web design , programming, coding.. I think we can do Erasmus project together.
Center for Entrepreneurship and Executive Development - Bulgaria (CEED) was founded in 2006 in Bulgaria, with the mission to promote entrepreneurship by providing the knowledge, know-how and contacts to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses to the next level.
CEED Bulgaria has specially designed business accelerator programs for entrepreneurs and managers aiming to support companies and teams to achieve business growth. CEED organizes and facilitates business discussions, specialized seminars, conferences, meetings for exchange of experience and contacts, meetings with multinational companies and investors. The center has a network of more than 60 experts from various business fields, who work closely with CEED on different projects.
CEED participates in the implementation of projects funded by EU programs as a leader / partner organization and as a subcontractor. CEED Bulgaria has a license from the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training (NAVET) and holds management system ISO 9001: 2015.
We have vast experience in Erasmus both as a partner and coordinator. We are really intersted and ready to support the development of the idea.
Here are my contact details: theosotirova@gmail.com
Ciao a tutti!
Siamo una scuola secondaria ad indirizzo economico e gli studenti hanno un’età tra 14 e 18 anni.
La nostra scuola ha una forte connotazione internazionale.
Uno specifico ufficio, composto da docenti di lingue (inglese,spagnolo,tedesco,francese) è dedicato alle attività internazionali.
Abbiamo ottenuto la Carta della mobilità VET e da diversi anni organizziamo scambi culturali, attività di tirocinio all’estero, scambio lunghi e learning week.
Partecipiamo inoltre a diversi progetti ERASMUS+ KA2, sia come coordinatori, sia partner e/o esperti.
Siamo parte della rete internazionale Ashoka che raccoglie 270 scuole a livello internazionale qualificate come “changemaker”, dove gli studenti apprendono le competenze changemaker come l’empatia, l’imprenditorialità, la leadership e la creatività affinché possano essere protagonisti del cambiamento sociale e possano vivere e lavorare per il bene comune.
Siamo unica scuola italiana parte della rete internazionale World School Formun di 21 scuole che annualmente si incontrano per discutere, attraverso la modalità del debate, di argomenti di alta rilevanza formativa internazionale civile e sociale. Si propone di formare futuri cittadini responsabili, consapevoli, inclusivi, partecipativi.
Le attività di nostro interesse hanno questi focus :
- Creatività
- Imprenditorialità ed autoimprenditoria
- Internazionalizzazione
- Competenze linguistiche
- Implementazione attività CLIL
- STEAM/VR/AR ed alfabetizzazione digitale
Siamo disponibili ad approfondire con voi tipologie di partnership rispetto al progetto, contattaci pure.
Antonella Semilia antonella.semilia@itctosi.va.it
our school is innovative school with entrepreneurship profile.
We had 7 very good Erasmus+ projects.
My name is Natasha Dzhurkova and I am from Bulgaria. I waort as psychologist and predagogical advisor in my school.
Our studenst are from 7 to 18 years old. They study languages, music and entrepreneurship.
Our school SU Ekzarh Antim I from Kazanlak received in 2021 European Innovarive Teaching Award.
If you are interested in cooperation please contact me on my email:
Hy! We are a Hungarian univerisity. University of Pannonia Nagykanizsa - University Center for Circular Economy. https://uni-pen.hu/kiajanlo/home.html
Our university pays particular attention to the circular economy and its promotion, as well as to sustainability, which has been a major theme in our training. We would like to support the preparation and implementation of this project along these lines.
If you think, we can be good partner, don't hesitate to contact me.
Dear Juris,
We are Erasmus experienced public special education schools from İzmir, Turkey. Our students' age range is between 5-21. We are an inclusive community on special education (sub)topic(s).
As the schools, we are part of many Erasmus projects. Our special students and teachers take part in these projects. We are both coordinators and partners in these projects. We have an experienced, dynamic, young project team of Counselling and Special education teachers with Master's and PhD degrees. As a hardworking and enthusiastic project team, we run school, adult and youth projects, with maximum responsible approach and time sensitive. We want to work within your project.
Not only for this proposal you are planning to apply, you can also consider for the other ones, in case you think it fits better or other reason.
Please check the projects section of the school website: https://manisaisuygulamamerkezi.meb.k12.tr/
I’d love to send you our pif. You can reach me via email:
Furthermore we have a big association to represent seven special education schools community in the same district: the (gratuated) students with intellectual/mental disabilities, (former) teachers, (former) parents. Though we are so active in local, our association is sort of a newcomer for E+. However, the students with intellectual disabilities and their young teachers take part in youth exchange and youth workers projects. On the other hand, the crew is entirely same as the school, teachers with master’s degree and phd.
Please see our website:
I can send the pif document. You can reach me via:
All the best
Hungarian experienced and accredated VET school is interested in it
Istanbul Youth Network(IYN) is an informal group based in Türkiye working in the field of youth mobility, participation, and facilitating youth awareness about social issues.
Our team is experienced entrepreneurs in crowdfunding platforms. We would like to be a partner in your youth exchange and training course projects for youth workers and entrepreneurs.
To find out more about us and our projects, please check the link: ''https://linktr.ee/istanbulyouthnetwork''.
My name is Ilkay Akarsu. I am experienced in Erasmus projects. I work as a psychologist counselor at my school. I also work on career choice and entrepreneurship. I am an erasmus coordinator at my school. My students are between the ages of 14-18. I am ready to work together on this project. ilkay.bas@hotmail.com
HELLO everyone! We are a technical upper secondary school (chemistry, electronics, mechanics and computer science) in the wonderful landscape of Naples (Italy) looking for joining a project as partners. Our students are aged 14/18 and are highly motivated in starting an intercultural exchange.
We’d like to deal with topics such as: promoting digital literacy, creativity, improving language skills, enhancing global citizenship, implementing CLIL methodology, producing digital open educational resources, creating apps and websites and any other specific topics related to our different areas of specialization.
We’d also like to promote innovation and internationalization processes and we are ready to cooperate in order to write the application form together.
Looking forward to hearing from you and starting a successful partnership …
If you think we are the right partner for a/your project, don’t hesitate to contact us:
We are English teachers with a consolidated experience in national and international (ERASMUS+and European Schoolnet) projects as coordinators, leaders and moderators and experts in digital literacy.