On 15th and 16th of May E4KIDS project KA210-SCH – 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-SCH-000032484 is having a meeting in Riga and one of the main discussion topics are on development of web platform for kids aged 10-13 where they can learn about the basics of Entrepreneurship and most importantly, share their ideas and compete for support.
More about the project: https://www.kidsentrepreneurs.eu
FAKULTNÍ ZÁKLADNÍ ŠKOLA S RVJ PŘI PEDF UK PRAHA 5 DRTINOVA 1/1861 - https://www.zsdrtinova.cz/
Výzkumný Ústav pro Podnikání a Inovace, Z.Ú. - http://www.vupi.cz
Smart Nest - http://www.smart-nest.eu
Formative Footprint - http://www.formativefootprint.com
Indeed, a very nice event it is!!