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Juris Riekstins
May 16, 2023
In Networks & Connections
On 15th and 16th of May E4KIDS project KA210-SCH – 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-SCH-000032484 is having a meeting in Riga and one of the main discussion topics are on development of web platform for kids aged 10-13 where they can learn about the basics of Entrepreneurship and most importantly, share their ideas and compete for support. More about the project: Partners: FAKULTNÍ ZÁKLADNÍ ŠKOLA S RVJ PŘI PEDF UK PRAHA 5 DRTINOVA 1/1861 - Výzkumný Ústav pro Podnikání a Inovace, Z.Ú. - Smart Nest - Formative Footprint -
E4KIDS meeting in Riga content media
Juris Riekstins
Jan 09, 2023
In Networks & Connections
It's great, when one makes his business greener!! It is even greater, when You start green. To continue this movement, we are planning to submit a fllowing project to Shape it GREEN to the Nordplus programme adult section. We are looking for a Entrepreneurial organisation from Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland or Aland islands to join on our journey to greener start-ups. If You are interested, please leave a short description about Your company bellow 👇
Juris Riekstins
Jan 04, 2023
In Our Stories
Do You follow any podcasts? If Yes, which and why, share Your insights!! I myself am fan of Rich Roll podcast - it covers quite wide range of topics starting from mind-set, positive look to life, longevity, endurance and many more. Here is one of very many episodes: Peter Diamandis on Rich Roll podcast on what is essential for kid: 1) find its Passion, 2) ask Great Questions and 3) develop a perseverance and grit!! Find out so much more on future of education and longevity here:
Juris Riekstins
Jan 04, 2023
In Our Stories
A quote that had a positive resonance for me!! What is Your favourite quote?
A Quote!! content media
Juris Riekstins
Jan 03, 2023
In Networks & Connections
Would be great to organise a KIDPRENEURSHIP conference in close future. For that, hopefully You can share Your ideas on the following: 1) Potential speakers - organisations and/or persons that have invested their effort in the development of the KIDPRENEURSHIP movement 2) What are the best options to attract finance, so that it is possible to not only cover the venue, but also finance the travel and living of speakers? Thank You very much!! 🙏
KIDPRENEURSHIP Conference content media
Juris Riekstins
Jan 02, 2023
In Activities for Older Kids
Learning about finance from childhood, will enable them to be active citizens indifferent everyday situations, not only in terms of notions, but also in terms of behaviors that haveto do with basic ethical choices and that determine the "small" gestures of buying, saving, debt,deferring spending, welfare and solidarity. The reflection on the use of money must start fromdeeply divergent instances: the economic crisis, the dematerialization of money, the purchasingcapacity of families. It is fundamental, from an early age, to understand the value of money andthe mechanisms that guide the economy, in its simplest forms: profit, savings, investment, gift.Money should be understood as an instrument of a wider planning, capable of embracing thedifferent spheres of action of the economy. Bellow You have all the activities that are to improve the Financial Literacy, each in a separatefile!! Feel free to download and use in Your classes. And we will appreciate if You come back andshare which was Your most favourite activity. And of course, if You have some activities that helpto improve Financial Literacy, please tell us about them below. And lastly, if Financial Literacy isimportant topic, You can press the "Follow" for this post and You will receive updates on newinsights here.
Juris Riekstins
Jan 02, 2023
In Activities for Younger Kids
Learning about finance from as early age as 5 years, will enable them to be active citizens in different everyday situations, not only in terms of notions, but also in terms of behaviors that have to do with basic ethical choices and that determine the "small" gestures of buying, saving, debt, deferring spending, welfare and solidarity. The reflection on the use of money must start from deeply divergent instances: the economic crisis, the dematerialization of money, the purchasing capacity of families. It is fundamental, from an early age, to understand the value of money and the mechanisms that guide the economy, in its simplest forms: profit, savings, investment, gift. Money should be understood as an instrument of a wider planning, capable of embracing the different spheres of action of the economy. Bellow You have all the activities that are to improve the Financial Literacy, each in a separate file!! Feel free to download and use in Your classes. And we will appreciate if You come back and share which was Your most favourite activity. And of course, if You have some activities that help to improve Financial Literacy, please tell us about them below. And lastly, if Financial Literacy is important topic, You can press the "Follow" for this post and You will receive updates on new insights here. Additional material - Card examples for the "What is the Value" activity.
Juris Riekstins
Jan 02, 2023
In Activities for Younger Kids
Linked to the ability to define goals there is the essential ability to give "meaning" to life, a path composed of a constellation of micro-targets, a fundamental process to experience positive emotions, satisfaction for success and involvement. Our brain has evolved under the banner of activity: setting new goals and achieve them with tenacity and problem solving. The absence of goals is not in our DNA, and in fact makes us experience a deep sense of emptiness. Knowing how to give goals gives meaning to life, acting directly on well-being, increases self-esteem, makes us discover new interests and channels actions in a strategic and efficient way. Pursuing goals finally brings adults and children in contact with other people and the construction of meaningful relationships (common purpose). Bellow You have all the activities that are to improve the ability to Set Goals, each in a separate file!! Feel free to download and use in Your classes. And we will appreciate if You come back and share which was Your most favourite activity. And of course, if You have some activities that help to improve the ability to Set Goals, please tell us about them below. And lastly, if Goal definition is important topic, You can press the "Follow" for this post and You will receive updates on new insights here.
Juris Riekstins
Jan 02, 2023
In Activities for Older Kids
Linked to the ability to define goals there is the essential ability to give "meaning" to life, a path composed of a constellation of micro-targets, a fundamental process to experience positive emotions, satisfaction for success and involvement. Our brain has evolved under the banner of activity: setting new goals and achieve them with tenacity and problem solving. The absence of goals is not in our DNA, and in fact makes us experience a deep sense of emptiness. Knowing how to give goals gives meaning to life, acting directly on well-being, increases self-esteem, makes us discover new interests and channels actions in a strategic and efficient way. Pursuing goals finally brings adults and children in contact with other people and the construction of meaningful relationships (common purpose). Bellow You have all the activities that are to improve the ability to Set Goals, each in a separate file!! Feel free to download and use in Your classes. And we will appreciate if You come back and share which was Your most favourite activity. And of course, if You have some activities that help to improve the ability to Set Goals, please tell us about them below. And lastly, if Goal definition is important topic, You can press the "Follow" for this post and You will receive updates on new insights here.
Juris Riekstins
Jan 02, 2023
In Activities for Older Kids
This skill therefore implies patience, kindness and empathy. Having team working skills means both being able to mediate and meet others, and being able to ask for help. This ability implies being able to share successes and difficulties, learning from mistakes, knowing how to take responsibility without spilling it on others, and knowing how to "blend" into the context. It is crucial to work together with others to know how to communicate and be prepared for improvement and self-correction. Cooperative Learning is a specific teaching methodology through which students learn in small groups, helping each other and feeling co-responsible for each other. Communication is the main tool to understand and engage in a relationship with each other and with the community. The communication process goes beyond the simple act of transferring a message: it implies the ability to "achieve a goal". Communication is also composed of fundamental para-verbal elements, the tone of voice, face, gestures, vocabulary, grammar. Bellow You have all the activities that are to improve the Teamwork & Communication, each in a separate file!! Feel free to download and use in Your classes. And we will appreciate if You come back and share which was Your most favourite activity. And of course, if You have some activities that help to improve the Teamwork & Communication, please tell us about them below. And lastly, if any of Teamwork & Communication is important topic, You can press the "Follow" for this post and You will receive updates on new insights here.
Juris Riekstins
Jan 02, 2023
In Activities for Younger Kids
This skill therefore implies patience, kindness and empathy. Having team working skills means both being able to mediate and meet others, and being able to ask for help. This ability implies being able to share successes and difficulties, learning from mistakes, knowing how to take responsibility without spilling it on others, and knowing how to "blend" into the context. It is crucial to work together with others to know how to communicate and be prepared for improvement and self-correction. Cooperative Learning is a specific teaching methodology through which students learn in small groups, helping each other and feeling co-responsible for each other. Communication is the main tool to understand and engage in a relationship with each other and with the community. The communication process goes beyond the simple act of transferring a message: it implies the ability to "achieve a goal". Communication is also composed of fundamental para-verbal elements, the tone of voice, face, gestures, vocabulary, grammar. Bellow You have all the activities that are to improve the Teamwork & Communication, each in a separate file!! Feel free to download and use in Your classes. And we will appreciate if You come back and share which was Your most favourite activity. And of course, if You have some activities that help to improve Teamwork & Communication, please tell us about them below. And lastly, if any of Teamwork or Communication is important topic, You can press the "Follow" for this post and You will receive updates on new insights here.
Juris Riekstins
Jan 02, 2023
In Activities for Younger Kids
Sense of initiative is knowing how to translate ideas into action. This includes self-assessment, creativity, innovation and risk taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects to achieve goals. It is essential to be able to evaluate positive and negative aspects of different choices and possible consequences, but also to discuss and argue in groups the criteria and motivations of choices, highlighting facts, risks, opportunities and listening to the motivations of others. Taking the initiative is related to the ability to make decisions individually and in groups, evaluating among different alternatives and motivating the criteria of choice, assessing the pros and cons, risks and opportunities and motivating the final choice. Programs aimed at the development of creativity have multiple values in the improvement of children, in addition to preparation for the world of work, also for involvement, motivation and performance in school and in life; aspects that positively influence the reduction of frustrations, the reduction of tensions and conflicts. Bellow You have all the activities that are to improve the Sense of Initiative, each in a separate file!! Feel free to download and use in Your classes. And we will appreciate if You come back and share which was Your most favourite activity. And of course, if You have some activities that help to increase the Sense of Initiative, please tell us about them below. And lastly, if Initiative is important topic, You can press the "Follow" for this post and You will receive updates on new insights here.
Juris Riekstins
Jan 02, 2023
In Activities for Older Kids
Sense of initiative is knowing how to translate ideas into action. This includes self-assessment, creativity, innovation and risk taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects to achieve goals. It is essential to be able to evaluate positive and negative aspects of different choices and possible consequences, but also to discuss and argue in groups the criteria and motivations of choices, highlighting facts, risks, opportunities and listening to the motivations of others. Taking the initiative is related to the ability to make decisions individually and in groups, evaluating among different alternatives and motivating the criteria of choice, assessing the pros and cons, risks and opportunities and motivating the final choice. Programs aimed at the development of creativity have multiple values in the improvement of children, in addition to preparation for the world of work, also for involvement, motivation and performance in school and in life; aspects that positively influence the reduction of frustrations, the reduction of tensions and conflicts. Bellow You have all the activities that are to improve the Sense of Initiative, each in a separate file!! Feel free to download and use in Your classes. And we will appreciate if You come back and share which was Your most favourite activity. And of course, if You have some activities that help to increase the Sense of Initiative, please tell us about them below. And lastly, if Initiative is important topic, You can press the "Follow" for this post and You will receive updates on new insights here.
Juris Riekstins
Jan 02, 2023
In Activities for Older Kids
Mistakes are an inescapable part of our life experience and preside over any learning process. Pretending that the error does not exist except to be corrected is the wrong approach. Wanting to avoid the error means to stop and inhibit learning. For this reason we try to create an atmosphere in which it is allowed to experience emotion without any fear and in which it is considered as a means to become aware of possibilities. It should be stressed here that the correction process must be placed in a humanistic- affective conception of didactics: error is a natural part of the learning process and the student must find in the teacher, in his classmates, in the educational system in general the necessary understanding so that the error does not lead to anxiety situations; it is necessary to promote forms of correction that lead to encouragement and develop the student's self-correction skills and to increase his critical autonomy also in the management of error. Bellow You have all the activities that are for learning from mistakes, each in a separate file!! Feel free to download and use in Your classes. And we will appreciate if You come back and share which was Your most favourite activity. And ofcourse, if You have some activities that help to learn from mistakes, please also tell us about them below. And lastly,if Learning from Mistakes is important topic, You can press the "Follow" for this post and You will receive updates on new insights here.
Juris Riekstins
Jan 02, 2023
In Activities for Younger Kids
Mistakes are an inescapable part of our life experience and preside over any learning process. Pretending that the error does not exist except to be corrected is the wrong approach. Wanting to avoid the error means to stop and inhibit learning. For this reason we try to create an atmosphere in which it is allowed to experience emotion without any fear and in which it is considered as a means to become aware of possibilities. It should be stressed here that the correction process must be placed in a humanistic- affective conception of didactics: error is a natural part of the learning process and the student must find in the teacher, in his classmates, in the educational system in general the necessary understanding so that the error does not lead to anxiety situations; it is necessary to promote forms of correction that lead to encouragement and develop the student's self-correction skills and to increase his critical autonomy also in the management of error. Bellow You have activity that has been developed to improve the ability to learn from mistakes in a separate file!! Feel free to download and use in You classes. And we will appreciate if You come back and share other activities that help to learn from mistakes, please share them below. And lastly, if learning from mistakes is important topic, You can press the "Follow" for this post and You will receive updates on new insights here.
Juris Riekstins
Jan 02, 2023
In Activities for Older Kids
Creativity enters fully into the top 10, drawn up by the World Economic Forum (WEF), of the skills that recruiters and, in general, the world of work will look for more in the future. This competence holds, in fact, the third place given its importance within the organizational context. Although creativity is often associated with the artistic field, this soft skill is actually a vital form of intelligence, which pushes people to discover something new in different areas, recognizing, in thoughts and objects, new connections that lead to innovations, solutions and changes. Creativity, in fact, is closely linked to innovation, that is, the transformation triggered by the introduction of novelty, which can solve problems and improve products, processes and situations. It is precisely the relationship between creativity and innovation that explains why the former is a fundamental element in today's world of work. Bellow You have all the activities that are to improve the CREATIVITY each in a separate file!! Feel free to download and use in You classes. And we will appreciate if You come back and share which was Your most favourite activity. And ofcourse, if You have some activities that help to improve the CREATIVITY, please also tell us about them below. And lastly,if CREATIVITY is important topic, You can press the "Follow" for this post and You will receive updates on new insightshere.
Juris Riekstins
Jan 02, 2023
In Activities for Younger Kids
Creativity enters fully into the top 10, drawn up by the World Economic Forum (WEF), of the skills that recruiters and, in general, the world of work will look for more in the future. This competence holds, in fact, the third place given its importance within the organizational context. Although creativity is often associated with the artistic field, this soft skill is actually a vital form of intelligence, which pushes people to discover something new in different areas, recognizing, in thoughts and objects, new connections that lead to innovations, solutions and changes. Creativity, in fact, is closely linked to innovation, that is, the transformation triggered by the introduction of novelty, which can solve problems and improve products, processes and situations. It is precisely the relationship between creativity and innovation that explains why the former is a fundamental element in today's world of work. Bellow You have all the activities that are to improve the CREATIVITY each in a separate file!! Feel free to download and use in You classes. And we will appreciate if You come back and share which was Your most favourite activity. And ofcourse, if You have some activities that help to improve the CREATIVITY, please also tell us about them below. And lastly,if CREATIVITY is important topic, You can press the "Follow" for this post and You will receive updates on new insightshere.
Juris Riekstins
Jan 02, 2023
In Activities for Older Kids
Curiosity as the inquisitive desire about the nature of an object or phenomenon is an emotionalaspect, it implies exploration, investigation and learning. It is the fuel of science and of thedisciplines regarding the study of man. What makes children eager to learn? According to severalstudies, the hidden force that stimulates learning is curiosity: the joy of exploring activates criticalthinking and reasoning. Curiosity therefore enhances learning. Children perceive a gap betweenwhat they know and what they would like to know, regardless of whether they want to achieveimmediate results or good grades. Several studies suggest that curious children have a rich lifeand a better working career. It has also emerged that curiosity is related to a wide range ofimportant adaptive behaviors, such as tolerance of anxiety and uncertainty, positive emotions,humor and non-critical attitude. Correlation with happiness: Intellectual curiosity makes one vital and vitality, in turn, makes onehappy. Bellow You have all the activities that are to improve the CURIOSITY each in a separate file!! Feelfree to download and use in You classes. And we will appreciate if You come back and sharewhich was Your most favourite activity. And of course, if You have some activities that help toimprove the CURIOSITY, please also tell us about them below. And lastly, if CURIOSITY isimportant topic, You can press the "Follow" for this post and You will receive updates on newinsights here.
Juris Riekstins
Jan 02, 2023
In Activities for Younger Kids
Curiosity as the inquisitive desire about the nature of an object or phenomenon is an emotional aspect, it implies exploration, investigation and learning. It is the fuel of science and of the disciplines regarding the study of man. What makes children eager to learn? According to several studies, the hidden force that stimulates learning is curiosity: the joy of exploring activates critical thinking and reasoning. Curiosity therefore enhances learning. Children perceive a gap between what they know and what they would like to know, regardless of whether they want to achieve immediate results or good grades. Several studies suggest that curious children have a rich life and a better working career. It has also emerged that curiosity is related to a wide range of important adaptive behaviors, such as tolerance of anxiety and uncertainty, positive emotions, humor and non-critical attitude. Correlation with happiness: Intellectual curiosity makes one vital and vitality, in turn, makes one happy. Bellow You have all the activities that are to improve the CURIOSITY each in a separate file!! Feel free to download and use in You classes. And we will appreciate if You come back and share which was Your most favourite activity. And of course, if You have some activities that help to improve the CURIOSITY, please also tell us about them below. And lastly, if CURIOSITY is important topic, You can press the "Follow" for this post and You will receive updates on new insights here.
Juris Riekstins
Jan 02, 2023
In Activities for Older Kids
Hello everyone!! Here we have made available all 30 activities for kids 8-10 years old together with short descriptions of 7 main skills that are critical for development of Entrepreneurial MInd-Set of kids. Actually, not only these activities develop Entrepreneurial Mind-Set but Leadership and overall life skills as well. So we encourage You to see what is inside and start with starting some. What is important, You are not obliged to do all the activities nor do them in the offered sequence (it is quite random), You choose the ones which best fits Your class. Descriptions of activities are quite detailed, so we hope You will not have a trouble to understand them. The activity descriptions have been developed in English, German, Italian, Greek, Bulgarian and Latvian Languages. We have also a Lithuanian version, but to be honest, it has not been proofread yet, so it may contain spelling and grammar issues. And lastly, after You try the activities, we would appreciate if You return and comment below which were Your favourite ones and why!!

Juris Riekstins

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